AlfaVakuo e.U. is a technology company specialised in the processing of metals, especially alkali and alkaline earth metals. Our company is located in Althofen, in Austria’s southernmost province of Carinthia.

We develop and produce metal evaporation sources („AlfaSources“) for vacuum applications. Our AS are used e.g. in research to generate Bose-Einstein plasmas. We produce getters (TubeGetter) with Barium or zirconium-vanadium-iron alloy.

We offer measurement services and advice on all aspects of vacuum insulation.
– Measurements of the sorption capacity of getter materials
– Outgassing measurements for various materials
– Advice on the design of vacuum insulation
About AlfaVakuo
In 2001 as Konstantin Technologies GmbH founded in Klagenfurt/Carinthia/Austria, the company was restructured as Alvatec Vakuum Technologies GmbH in 2005 under new ownership. Alvatec Alkali Vakuum Technologies GmbH evolved into a high-tech company based in Althofen. In 2006 the affiliate Alvatec Production and Sales GesmbH was founded in order to accommodate the rapidly growing demands on production and sales.
In close cooperation with scientific institutions and metallurgists, the company reached an excellent level of knowledge in the area of high vacuum technologies, alkaline and alkaline earth metals.
The sudden and surprising termination of all business with Siemens Concentrated Solar Power GmbH in the end of 2011 had a massive impact on Alvatec – the company was the exclusive supplier of getters for SCSP. As a result, Alvatec Vacuum Technologies GmbH was closed and all branches of business were taken over by the former affiliate Alvatec Production and Sales GmbH under new ownership.
Due to the breakdown of the CSP market, further reorganisations and a relocation to Griffen were necessary. Alvatec Production and Sales GesmbH focused on producing metal vapour sources.
In 2016, the owner of Alvatec Production and Sales GesmbH decided to cease all operations. As longtime developer, Gert Hofstätter seized the opportunity and founded a new company using Alvatec’s tradition in technological development, production and services and founded his own company AlfaVakuo e.U.
In the following years, new processes were developed that significantly increased the purity of the alkali alloys. New elements were added to the product catalogue and the method of sorption measurement was further developed to be able to measure getters for MEMS.
AlfaVakuo e.U. is neither legally nor financially related to Alvatec Procution and Sales GesmbH.
Get in Touch
Eisenstrasse 62c9330 Althofen